As with the instruments of the Unsere Lieblinge series, the double row of octave tuned reeds gives our Echo harmonicas the rich chord sound which traditonal stylists love. Whether alone or for ensemble playing with other tremolo or octave tuned harmonicas, both series ensure a lively and harmonious sound.
€ 37.00
Octave harmonica, 28 brass reeds, Maple wood comb, 0.9 mm brass reed plates, Stainless steel covers,
SKU: M1494017
Category: Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
Ražotājs: |
Līdzīgas preces
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 16.90
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 79.00
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 65.00
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 75.00
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 38.00
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 25.00
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 79.00
Tremolo un oktāvas harmonikas
€ 14.00